All Smiling Hearts are offered vocational training opportunities and are provided with the skills to perform tasks in sewing, screen printing, baking and the use of the knitting machine. All products made by the Smiling Hearts is sold and 50% of the profit returned to the individual to contribute towards day to day needs or savings. The other 50% goes directly back to sustaining the programs and the Centre. All Smiling Hearts commit to sharing their skills and ability with other new learners coming into the Centre.
Opportunities to receive a Primary or Secondary education are offered to Smiling Hearts who have a desire and the potential to receive an education. This equips them with knowledge and empowers them to work towards a more successful future. Secondary School education requires the students to board, returning to the Centre during term breaks.
Apprenticeship training opportunities are sought for those Smiling Hearts who have a genuine desire and the physical ability to attend a workplace for hands on training in a particular field. We have a number of Smiling Hearts completing Hairdressing, Hair plaiting, Carpentry and Mechanic apprenticeships. Apprenticeships enhance the ability to secure future employment and enable self sustainability for the individual.
Our Outreach Program allows us to reach more young ones with a disability, whilst enabling them to live at home. Being aware of the many in need, and knowing there are only so many we can provide training, housing and care to at the Centre, the Outreach program allows us to fund medical interventions that address the disability whilst allowing the individual child to remain with their family.