Our Vision:
Creating Opportunities, making a difference
Our Mission:
Self Worth
Provision of vocational training and education whilst instilling a sense of belonging and self worth to children and youth with special needs.
Creating Opportunities, making a difference
Provision of vocational training and education whilst instilling a sense of belonging and self worth to children and youth with special needs.
After a visit to Uganda in 2014 and with a shared love and passion to help children with disabilities, Mbabazi Hellen in Uganda and Loretta Lilford in Kyabram, joined forces to start their Smiling HeARTs program. The aim of the “Art for Children with Special Needs Program”, was to provide the children with an opportunity to reach their full potential, express themselves, grow in confidence and feel valued.
Hellen and Loretta worked with 30+ children across two schools, who were either Orphans or from families who could not support them. In 2017, whilst Loretta spent 6 weeks in Uganda, she witnessed the many positive results the program was doing for the younger children, however identified a new need for the older students (16 + years) who were unable to stay on at these schools after Primary level.
Hellen & Loretta branched out a little from the current structure of the ‘Art for Children with Special Needs Program’ and assisted two of the older students; Sadam to receive a hairdressing apprenticeship, and Sylivia to receive a secondary education. Both of these experiences were very successful. The realisation and focus then shifted a little. How could Loretta & Hellen offer skills training to more of the students who needed to leave school & where would they live?
This was when the vision for the Smiling Hearts Centre came to life; a place where they could offer vocational skills training (hairdressing, sewing, vegetable growing, art and craft, screen printing, knitting etc) to these youth, with the hope they will be able to support themselves and have access to a safe and happy life.
In August 2018, with the belief and help from some generous supporters the Centre became a reality. The Smiling Hearts Centre provides a home for the students, a place where they truly belong, a place they can take pride in, a place to call home. For some of the students, this is their first experience of having a home.
The students attend to the home duties, and grow vegetables to eat. They have access to a number of programs that have commenced at the Centre. Being together at the Centre enables these youth to have a constant social support network. The Centre also acts as a showroom from where the students can sell their work. A percentage of these funds go back towards the day to day costs of the Centre, enabling them to feel a sense of dignity and self-worth.
HUG - 'Help Us Grow' is an Australian-based not-for-profit organisation that has been working tirelessly, since 2008, to implement and support sustainable community projects in the beautiful rural villages of Uganda in East Africa.
Through ongoing partnerships with local communities HUG are able to establish grassroots educational, health and agricultural based initiatives along with supporting Smiling Hearts in providing an opportunity to disadvantaged and vulnerable youth. HUG continues to empower Ugandan people to make a sustainable difference in their own lives.
As well as this, HUG also focuses on creating real connections and meaningful partnerships between participants from the programs in Uganda and inspired schools, families, businesses and individuals in Australia. The relationships that are being formed through these connections ensure that HUG's projects truly do Help Us (all) Grow.
Our Smiling Hearts Centre
Padua Lodge - The boys quarters
The girls quarters
Grummitt Training Hall
Situated 1.5 kms from Masaka town, our purchased Centre provides a forever home, & vocational skills training centre.
The main building provides a large living area where everyone gathers, and provides sleeping quarters for the girls. Separate to this is Padua Lodge, our boys quarters.
Our recently completed ‘Grummitt Training Hall’ is the perfect space for our Smiling Hearts to complete their training.
Our tribe at Smiling Hearts commit to providing the highest level of care and love to children and youth with special needs. We pride ourselves on being a program that is backed by honesty, transparency, integrity and an abundance of love, ensuring continuous improvement to the lives of this vulnerable group. Our mission and vision is always front of mind - Creating Opportunities; Making a difference.
Our Smiling Hearts tribe consists of our Co Founders, our big hearted supporters, our incredible youth and children that participate in our program, and everyone that believes in us.
All Smiling Hearts are offered vocational training opportunities and are provided with the skills to perform tasks in sewing, screen printing, baking and the use of the knitting machine. All products made by the Smiling Hearts is sold and 50% of the profit returned to the individual to contribute towards day to day needs or savings. The other 50% goes directly back to sustaining the programs and the Centre. All Smiling Hearts commit to sharing their skills and ability with other new learners coming into the Centre.
Opportunities to receive a Primary or Secondary education are offered to Smiling Hearts who have a desire and the potential to receive an education. This equips them with knowledge and empowers them to work towards a more successful future. Secondary School education requires the students to board, returning to the Centre during term breaks.
Apprenticeship training opportunities are sought for those Smiling Hearts who have a genuine desire and the physical ability to attend a workplace for hands on training in a particular field. We have a number of Smiling Hearts completing Hairdressing, Hair plaiting, Carpentry and Mechanic apprenticeships. Apprenticeships enhance the ability to secure future employment and enable self sustainability for the individual.
Our Outreach Program allows us to reach more young ones with a disability, whilst enabling them to live at home. Being aware of the many in need, and knowing there are only so many we can provide training, housing and care to at the Centre, the Outreach program allows us to fund medical interventions that address the disability whilst allowing the individual child to remain with their family.
I have donated to charities working with children and education for years, one organisation in particular I sponsored two children every year for 30 years. I love their work but I have always struggled with how much of the money I provided went to the organisation and it’s marketing. Last year I was given the opportunity to visit Uganda and work with the Smiling Hearts organisation, a pure joy! Since returning home I have cancelled my sponsorship with the other organisation (with a heavy heart) and now donate to Smiling Hearts knowing that all the money goes to help the young disabled children at the center & in the community. In addition, working directly with Smiling Hearts has given me the opportunity to get to know the directors. Loretta, Beth & Helen are special women with huge hearts and a passion that is contagious. I look forward to assisting them to achieve their vision for the kids, teenagers and young adults. They provide such a caring and nuturing environment for all at the Smiling Hearts Centre, as well, as their new outreach programs. If you are reading this and wondering if you should donate, please don’t hesitate. I can assure you all the money donated goes to the running of the centre and the wellbeing of the disabled children and young adults that Smiling Hearts assists. Smiling Hearts truly makes a difference!
Sandra | Smiling Hearts Visitor | Australia
Having thoroughly enjoyed my time with Smiling Hearts in 2017 I was very excited to have the opportunity to return to Uganda, with my Mum, this July (2019). It was wonderful to reunite with Hellen (Co-Founder) and the young adults of Smiling Hearts and visit their new Centre. Hellen is an amazing woman, who is talented beyond measure and has a heart full of love and kindness. Her desire to make a difference and help young adults achieve their full potential is truly inspiring. At the Centre my Mum and I assisted with making crafts to sell, including sewing coasters and mats with bottle tops and beautiful Ugandan fabric and screen printing cushion cases. It was so lovely to see how the Smiling Hearts program has helped children understand that their disability is by no means a barrier to them achieving their goals and aspirations. Smiling Hearts is truly an inspiration, I remember and treasure my memories with them fondly and hope to return to Uganda and reunite with them again soon.
- Florence | Smiling Hearts Visitor | London
Smiling Hearts has changed my life. I feel more and more confident. There is no discrimination here. Because of Smiling Hearts I’m at Secondary School.
- Sylivia | Smiling Heart | Uganda
I am so privileged to have travelled to Smiling Hearts in Uganda to work and play with the incredible young people and staff. I learned so much more from them, than I could ever have imagined.
-Lis | Smiling Heart Visitor | Australia
I have enjoyed coming to the Smiling Hearts Centre during school holidays because I love the people & environment here.
- Nicholas | Smiling Heart | Uganda
I was so privileged this year to be able to return to Uganda and spend time at the Smiling hearts Centre. The Centre has such a warm loving vibe. The young people have truly become a family and with the great opportunities now available to them, they are so happy and thriving. They can now live with hope for their futures. An inspiring success story.
- Karin| Smiling Heart Visitor | Australia
I really love the Centre. Its like a family here. There are good children here. They help me lay in bed, give me soap, and help me sponge. I am a lot lot lot happy here.
- Derick | Smiling Heart | Uganda
Smiling Hearts is so beautifully named. Giving hope and love for a promising future to some really inspiring young people who may otherwise have had no hope.
- Adele | Smiling Heart Visitor | Australia
“we rise by lifting others ”
Keep up to date with the amazing things happening at the Centre, the progress of all Smiling Hearts, and whats next!
100% of all funds goes towards creating opportunities and making a difference to the lives of vulnerable youth.